Cute goldendoodle puppy coming out of a metal bucket on grass

Breed Size: How Big Is A Full Grown Goldendoodle?

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If you’re searching for a furry, affectionate, intelligent best friend, you must look for a Goldendoodle! This adorable hybrid breed, created by crossing the parent breeds of a Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever, might be the perfect addition to your family. Not only are these pups intelligent and adorable, but they’re also low-shedding, making them ideal for those who don’t want to deal with dog hair all over.

Goldendoodles are not just any designer breed – they’re cherished for their endearing nature, intelligence, and hypoallergenic fur. They were first bred in the 90s to create a low-shedding breed that combined the Poodle’s trainability and the Golden Retriever’s gentleness. The result was a pup that inherited the best traits of both breeds, making them one of the most desirable dogs for families.

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Overview Of The Goldendoodle Breed

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Goldendoodles come in various sizes, from miniature to standard, so you can find the perfect fit for your home and lifestyle. But what really sets Goldendoodles apart is their impressive working abilities. They can be trained as guide dogs for people who are blind, therapy dogs for children and adults with special needs, service dogs for individuals with disabilities, and even sniffer dogs for law enforcement. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them quick learners who excel in any task they’re given.

But don’t let their job titles fool you – Goldendoodles are also big softies at heart. They thrive on human interaction and love nothing more than affection from their owners. They’re great with kids, strangers, and even other animals, making them the life of any party. They’re like the cool kids in high school – everyone wants to be their friend.

But be warned, Goldendoodles have one major drawback – they’re unsuitable as guard dogs. Due to their friendly nature, they’re more likely to greet intruders with wagging tails rather than barks. They also require lots of attention and socialization to avoid separation anxiety. But with proper training and a consistent routine, they make for loving, loyal, and great companions who will stick by your side no matter what.

And let’s talk about the fun stuff – Goldendoodles love to play! Giving them fun toys and taking them on walks or to the park is essential for their physical and mental well-being. They also do well with positive reinforcement training and learning new tricks. But even if all you want to do is cuddle on the couch, your Goldendoodle will be more than happy to oblige.

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The Size Of Goldendoodles

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Have you ever considered owning a Goldendoodle but couldn’t decide which size to get? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Goldendoodles vary in size and weight, so choosing the right one can be confusing. In this blog post, we will explore the three different sizes of Goldendoodles and the unique traits of each size.


Miniature Goldendoodle

The first size of a Goldendoodle is Miniature or sometimes called a toy goldendoodle or teacup goldendoodles. These dogs are the smallest of the three, standing between 13 to 20 inches in height and weighing 15 to 35 pounds, still larger than a toy poodle. Being so small, they are an excellent choice for small apartment living or small size homes. They’re also very comfortable around children, making them an ideal family pet. Moreover, miniature Goldendoodles are easy to train and highly intelligent, making them suitable for therapy and service work.


Small Standard Goldendoodles

The second size of a Goldendoodle is Small Standard or sometimes referred to as the medium goldendoodle. These dogs stand approximately 17 to 20 inches tall and weigh around 40 to 50 pounds. These smaller dogs suit pet owners living in city apartments that are not too close to small children. In general, Small Standard Goldendoodles have a mellow demeanor and are less active than some of the other sizes. Thus, expect them to be most comfortable lazily lounging on your couch and taking naps 90% of the day while only requiring a short walk.


Large Standard Goldendoodles

The last larger size of a Goldendoodle is Large Standard. These are significantly bigger dogs, standing between 20 to 24 inches tall and weighing 50 to 90 pounds. Therefore, if you are contemplating owning one, ensure you have ample space as they require larger areas to run around. Large Standard Goldendoodles have a gentle disposition, making them suitable for families with small children as they’re incredibly loyal. But they don’t make excellent guard dogs, so if that’s what you’re searching for in a new pup, you should look at other breeds.

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The Personality Of The Goldendoodle

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The Goldendoodle made its mark in the world with its cuddly appearance and lovable personality. Half Golden Retriever and half Poodle, this breed has quickly become a favorite among pet lovers. Their friendly and accepting nature is endless, making them appealing and endearing to everyone they meet.

The Goldendoodle has become quite the favored breed for new pet owners, and it’s easy to see why. If you’re looking for a highly affectionate, patient, and gentle dog, the Goldendoodle is a perfect choice. They love being around humans, and with some training, they can be loyal and obedient companions. Plus, the Goldendoodle has a playful and mischievous side, which only adds to the appeal of this beautiful pet.

When it comes to temperament, the breed is affected by various factors, including heredity, training, and socialization. If you’re looking for a happy-go-lucky puppy, choose one that’s curious, playful, approachable, and willing to be held. Avoid the one who’s beating up his littermates or the one hiding in a corner. Also, make sure you meet at least one of the parents, preferably the mother, to ensure they have a pleasant temperament, as pups will typically match their behavior.

Early socialization is a crucial aspect of the Goldendoodle’s development. When they’re young, expose your puppy to various sights, sounds, experiences, and many different people. This procedure helps ensure your Goldendoodle puppy grows into a well-rounded adult dog. Enrolling your puppy in a puppy kindergarten class is an excellent start.

The Goldendoodle has a mind all his own, and they’re intelligent and eager to please their humans. Training your Goldendoodle is a breeze if you use reward-based training methods that reinforce positive behavior. Also, Goldens are quick learners, making training them effortlessly.

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The Health Of The Goldendoodle

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If you’re considering adding a Goldendoodle to your family, you’re in for some serious heart-melting moments. With their soft fur, sparkling eyes, and playful personalities, it’s hard not to fall in love. But before you get too starry-eyed, knowing that these cuties can be prone to certain health problems is essential.

Don’t worry, though; finding a good breeder who can provide health clearances for both parents can help ease your concerns. Expect to see a list of technical-sounding conditions like hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism, but rest assured, these are just fancy words for things good breeders have thoughtfully tested for.

And if you prefer to confirm those tests? Check out the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) website. Here are some conditions to look for in this specific breed:

Hip Dysplasia: This inherited condition, sometimes triggered by malnutrition, causes the thighbone to not fit properly into the hip joint. Some dogs show pain and lameness in one or both rear legs, while others show no outward signs of discomfort. Arthritis may develop as the dog ages. Dogs with hip dysplasia should not be bred. When buying a puppy, ask the breeder for proof of hip dysplasia testing in the parents.

Elbow Dysplasia: This condition, like hip dysplasia, is a degenerative disease caused by abnormal growth and development. It results in a malformed and weakened joint with varying severity. Treatment options include surgery, weight management, medical management, and anti-inflammatory medication.

Patellar Luxation: Slipped stifles, or patellar luxation, are common in small dogs. It occurs when the kneecap of a hind leg dislocates, causing pain. While this medical condition can be crippling, many dogs with slipped stifles lead relatively normal lives.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): This eye disease gradually deteriorates the retina in dogs, causing night blindness and progressive daytime vision loss. Dogs affected by the disease can adapt to limited or lost vision in familiar surroundings.

Ear Infections: Check and clean the ears of Goldendoodles regularly to prevent potential problems caused by moisture trapped in their floppy ears.

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus: Also known as bloat, this life-threatening condition affects large, deep-chested dogs like Goldendoodles. It’s more common in older dogs. GDV happens when the stomach becomes distended with gas or air and then twists. The dog can’t release the excess air, causing a drop in blood pressure and shock. Immediate medical attention is crucial. Look for a distended abdomen, excessive salivation, retching, restlessness, depression, lethargy, weakness, and a rapid heart rate. Take your dog to the vet if you notice these signs.

Allergies: Allergies are common in dogs, including the Goldendoodle. The three main types are food allergies (treated by eliminating certain foods), contact allergies (caused by reactions to substances like bedding, flea powders, and shampoos), and inhalant allergies (caused by airborne allergens like pollen, dust, and mildew). Treatment varies and includes dietary restrictions, medications, and environmental changes.

Hypothyroidism: This is a thyroid disorder believed to cause epilepsy, hair loss, obesity, lethargy, hyperpigmentation, pyoderma, and other skin conditions. It is treated with meds and diet.

Von Willebrand’s Disease: This blood disorder affects clotting in dogs and humans. Dogs with this condition show symptoms like nosebleeds, bleeding gums, prolonged bleeding after surgery, during heat cycles or whelping, and sometimes blood in the stool. It usually occurs between three and five years of age and cannot be cured. However, it can be managed through treatments such as cauterizing or suturing injuries, transfusions before surgery, and avoiding certain medications.

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Care Of Goldendoodles

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The Goldendoodle is an easily trainable breed. They are intelligent and keen on pleasing their owners, making them suitable for beginners and experienced trainers. Positive reinforcement should be the preferred training method to maintain their confidence.

Socialization is crucial for all dog breeds, especially the gentle and lovely Goldendoodle. It helps prevent any shyness or timidity from developing.

Given their high energy level, Goldendoodles need daily exercise, whether a walk or a playful romp in the backyard. Around 20 to 30 minutes of activity daily is typically sufficient to prevent boredom. Since they love water, swimming can be another great exercise option.

Due to their potential size, Goldendoodles require space to move around. Apartments are not ideal for them, but a home with a fenced yard is recommended. They are not designed for outdoor or kennel living as they thrive around their family. Therefore, owners should anticipate keeping them primarily indoors.

Separation anxiety is something that Goldendoodles may experience, which can lead to destructive behavior if they’re left alone for extended periods.

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Feeding The Goldendoodle

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How much should your adult dog eat? It depends on their size, age, build, metabolism, and activity level. Just like people, dogs are unique individuals with different needs. A highly active dog naturally requires more food than a couch potato dog. The key is to provide high-quality dry food, which goes a long way in nourishing your dog and reduces the quantity needed. The recommended daily amount is 1 to 4 cups (depending on adult size) divided into multiple meals.

Keep your Goldendoodle fit by feeding them twice daily with measured portions instead of free-feeding all day. This will help prevent gastric torsion (bloat), a condition common in Golden Retrievers and inherited by Goldendoodles. If you need clarification on their weight, do an eye and hands-on test. Firstly, look down at them. Can you see a waist? Then, place your hands on their back, thumbs along the spine, and fingers spread downward. You should be able to feel their ribs without pressing too hard. If not, adjust their food portion and increase exercise.

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The Coat Color And Grooming Of Goldendoodles

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The Goldendoodle is known for its wavy to curly coat, typically around two to three inches long. The hair is longer on the tail, body, ears, and legs, with the possibility of slight feathering on the legs. Conversely, the hair on the head and muzzle tend to be shorter.

Coat colors range from black, copper, white, cream, gray, golden, and apricot to red. However, golden is the most common color. White markings are often seen on the feathering, while the Goldendoodle’s coat tends to lighten with age.

While the breed is considered non- to light-shedding, regular grooming is still necessary to maintain the coat’s optimal condition. Many owners clip the coat for easier maintenance, while others prefer to leave it natural, requiring brushing once every week or two. Clipped or not, the Goldendoodle will benefit from regular brushing every few weeks.

Baths should only be given when necessary to avoid stripping the coat and skin of essential oils and moisture.

To maintain oral hygiene, brushing the Goldendoodle’s teeth two to three times a week is recommended to prevent tartar buildup, gum disease, and bad breath. Daily brushing is even better.

Trimming your dog’s nails once or twice a month is essential to prevent painful tears and other issues. If you can hear clicking sounds as your dog walks, it indicates that the nails are too long. If you are inexperienced in trimming dog nails, seek guidance from a vet or groomer.

Weekly ear checks are important to detect signs of infection, such as redness or a foul odor. Clean the outer ear with a cotton ball dampened with a gentle, pH-balanced ear cleaner. Avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.

Introduce your Goldendoodle to grooming practices and regular examinations from a young age. Get them used to having their paws handled, as many dogs can be sensitive about their feet. Make grooming a positive experience by offering praise and rewards, setting the stage for stress-free veterinary visits and another handling in adulthood.

During grooming sessions, carefully inspect the skin, looking for sores, rashes, or signs of infection such as redness, tenderness, or inflammation. Examine the eyes, nose, mouth, and feet for any abnormalities. Clear eyes with no redness or discharge indicate good health.

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Goldendoodle Breed Frequently Asked Questions

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How big do Goldendoodles get?

Goldendoodles can vary significantly in size, depending on the size of their parents. Miniature Goldendoodles are bred with a miniature poodle and usually measure 10 to 15 inches tall at the shoulder. Medium Goldendoodles are bred with standard-size poodles and typically measure 15-20 inches tall at the shoulder.


What should I know before getting a Goldendoodle?

Before getting a Goldendoodle, prospective owners must understand the breed’s needs and requirements. This includes regular grooming, frequent exercise, and potential health issues. Additionally, Goldendoodles require lots of attention and are not ideal for those who cannot provide them with a loving home.


What is the best way to train a Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles are highly intelligent dogs that require consistent training to reach their full potential. It is important to start training your Goldendoodle as soon as possible to ensure that they understand basic commands and behaviors. Additionally, positive reinforcement is critical when training a Goldendoodle, as it will help to build trust and form a strong bond between you and your pup.


What common health issues can Goldendoodles have?

Unfortunately, some Goldendoodles may be prone to certain health issues. This includes hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and skin allergies. Therefore, it is essential to purchase a Goldendoodle from a reputable breeder who can provide you with information about the health of the puppy’s parents.


What kind of grooming is required for a Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles require regular grooming to stay healthy and look their best. This includes brushing and combing the coat, trimming nails, and cleaning the ears. Additionally, it is important to bathe a Goldendoodle regularly to keep their coats clean and free of dirt or debris.

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The Tail End

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The Goldendoodle is a favorite among families for a good reason. They’re intelligent, friendly, and highly affectionate, making them perfect as your four-legged companion. Their playfulness and mischievousness bring life to any household, and their low-shedding coats make them perfect for those with allergies. In conclusion, the Goldendoodle is the ideal family pet, and you won’t regret having one in your home.

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